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Should I go to the doctor?

A medical emergency is:

When your medical concern really cannot wait until your own GP or his substitute is available again.

How does it work at the GP emergency centre?

The GP emergency unit works differently from a regular GP. You only call us if your complaint cannot wait until your own GP is back. You can also treat many complaints yourself with the advice given at moet ik naar de dokter.nl or thuisarts.nl.

If you call us, you will first speak to a NAW assistant. He will take down the necessary personal details and ask you a number of questions to make an initial assessment of the urgency. Based on this urgency, you will be called back by a triagist or a GP.

Is it urgent or can it wait?

Below are some videos to help you determine if your question is urgent.

For emergencies only. Sometimes you're in pain or worried, but that doesn't mean your medical question is urgent. Watch the videos below or go to www.moetiknaardedokter.nl or www.thuisarts.nl. Those website will help you determine if you need a GP urgently. Is it not an emergency? There is no better GP than your own.