
GP (emergency) care is not free of charge

Doktersdienst Groningen is a non-profit organization. Rates for GP emergency care are set by the government.

For general medical aid outside regular office hours, fees are charged. If you have a medical advice from triagists, you will be charged for a consultation by telephone.

If you don’t have a medical insurance, you are obligated to pay the invoice at the medical station, immediately after your consult.

Foreign patients are asked for a copy of their EU Health Insurance card. If you cannot provide this card, you will be obligated pay the invoice at the medical station.

Our rates are set by the Dutch Healthcare Authority (NZa).
From July 1st 2023 Doktersdienst Groningen charges the following fees:

  • Telephone consultation € 35,00 
  • Consultation at a medical station € 230,87 
  • Home visit € 346,30 
  • Repeat prescription * € 35,00 
  • Crutches (a pair**) € 27,50 

*The costs of a repeat prescription are the costs that Doktersdienst Groningen charges for this service. The pharmacy will charge seperate costs for the medication iteself.

**Doktersdienst Groningen does not sell crutches.

Payment information Doktersdienst Groningen

  • NL05 INGB 0659 4040 87 (ING bank) 
  • ​BIC (swift) INGBNL2A 

For any questions conserning an invoice or to pass ons your insurance information, you can send an e-mail to If you prefer, you can also contact us on WhatsApp: +31 6 - 82 05 39 59. Please state the invoice number in your messages.