Compliment or complaint

Compliment of complaint

Would you like to share an experience with us, give us a compliment, an improvement tip or a complaint? You can. Below you can read how.

Doktersdienst Groningen aims to provide the right care in the right place. We have a heart for patients and take them seriously. We work with expert and passionate healthcare professionals who understand the profession of GP emergency care well and are a learning organisation. That's why we like to hear from you.

Share youre experience with us

The staff at Doktersdienst Groningen try to do their job as well as possible. In the vast majority of situations, this goes well. Our patients give us an eight as an overall satisfaction mark and of course we are very proud of that! 

Nevertheless, it may happen that you are not completely satisfied with (part of) the treatment or that you have experienced something as incorrect or unpleasant. Do not hesistate to report it to us. Are you satisfied or not, we would like to hear it. You can let us know via the form below or by calling us.

Compliment of complaint? 

You can submit the compliment or complaint using the digital form below. 

Prefer traditional mail? Then you can download the form, fill it in and send it to us. You will find all documents at the bottom of this page.


Prefere contact by telephone?

If you prefere to discuss your issue by telephone, you can reach the complaints officer Monday to Thursday, between 08:30 and 12:15, by calling 050 - 3168400.

Complaints procedure

The preferred approach is always to discuss your complaint directly with the individuals involved. The complaints procedure ensures that your concerns are heard and that your complaint is handled with care. During the complaints procedure, an effort is made to identify the cause of the complaint and, where possible, to address and rectify it. This can help prevent similar complaints in the future.

Complaints officer

If you have filed a complaint, the complaints officer will contact you and try to reach a solution through mediation.


The complaints officer has a duty of confidentiality for all data of which she has professional knowledge. This obligation applies to all employees of Doktersdienst Groningen.